- Top Venues in Security/Systems (S&P (Oakland) [22, 23, 25, 34, 39, 46, 47], CCS [21, 28, 37], NDSS [2, 8, 13, 24, 40], USENIX [45], ASPLOS [3, 4, 44]), in SE/PL (ICSE [18, 35, 41], FSE [6, 29], ASE [ 1, 11, 30], OOPSLA [7, 19]), in Web (WWW [9, 14, 26, 48, 49], IMC [42])
Graduate Students
1. Ali Ahad (UMD, PhD, Fall 2020~), focusing on Software
Security [CCS'21, S&P'23, ASPLOS'24], Debugging/Testing [FSE'21, S&P'22]
2. Jiacheng Li (UMD, PhD, Fall 2024~), focusing on Software Security/CPS Security
3. Chi-wei Chen (UMD, PhD, Fall 2024~), focusing on CPS Security
4. Zhiyuan Lin (UMD, PhD, Fall 2024~), focusing on LLM Security
Undergraduate Students
1. Xavier Francois (UMD, Undergraduate, Fall 2024~), focusing on Software Security
Former Students
Erin Avllazagaj (PhD, UMD, Co-advised with Prof. Tudor DumitraČ™) [USENIX'21, USENIX'24]
Chijung Jung (PhD, UVA, Fall 2024), [FSE'21, S&P'22, CCS'21, WISA'22, S&P'23, ASE'21 (NIER), ICSE'22]
JiHo Lee (Master, UVA, 2024) [WISA'22, NDSS'23]
Bora Lee (Master, UVA, 2023) [WISA'22]
Sungjin Yi (Undergrad, UC Berkeley, Fall 2021~Summer 2022)
Abbas Naderi (PhD, UVA), Advisor: Prof. Jack W. Davidson
Jiahao Cai (Master, UVA, 2019), Employment: Google
Jake Smith (Undergrad, UVA) - NCCDC Winner
Jack McDowell (Undergrad, UVA) - NCCDC Winner
Calvin Krist (Undergrad/Master, UVA) - NCCDC Winner
Rajiv Sarvepalli (Undergrad,UVA) - (Part of JUMP URI (Undergraduate Research Initiative) Program)
Haoxiang Zhang (Undergrad, UVA) - Next Step: Columbia University (Master)
Cyber Defense Competition Team
I am a faculty mentor of the UVA CCDC (Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition) Team.
- April 1, 2023: We win the regional final!
- May 24, 2020:
We (UVA CCDC team) win the national!! (Three times in a row, or Three-peat!)
- April 25, 2019: We win the national!
- March 30, 2019: We win the regional final!
External Collaborators
Columbia University (with Prof. Suman Jana)
Georgia Institute of Technology (with Prof. Taesoo Kim, Prof. Brendan Saltaformaggio)
The Ohio State University (with Prof. Zhiqiang Lin)
University of California, Irvine (with Prof. Alfred Chen)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (with Prof. Gang Wang)
University of Southern California (with Prof. Weihang Wang)
University of Central Oklahoma (with Prof. Junghwan Rhee)
University of Georgia (with Prof. Kyu Hyung Lee)
University of Tennessee (with Prof. Doowon Kim)
University of Texas at Dallas (with Prof. Chung Hwan Kim and Prof. Wei Yang)
International Collaboration:
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (with Prof. Sooel Son)
Sejong University (with Prof. Giwoong Park)
Soongsil University (with Prof. Haehyun Cho)
Sungkyunkwan University (with Prof. Hyungjoon Koo, Prof. Hyoungshick Kim)
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) (with Prof. Yuseok Jeon)
University of Maryland
Software Security via Program Analysis (Spring 2024, Graduate)
Hardware Security and Reverse Engineering Lab (Fall 2023, Undergraduate)
University of Virginia
Software Security via Program Analysis (Spring 2023, Fall 2019/2018, Graduate)
Cyber Forensics: Automated Software Approaches (Spring 2022/2021/2020, Undergraduate/Graduate)
Operating Systems (Fall 2021/2020, Spring 2019, Undergraduate)
I have served for the following conferences.
Program Committee:
CCS'24, ACSAC'24, ACSAC'23, WISA'23, MADWeb'22, SecWeb'22, ACSAC'22,
I have participated in organizing the following events.
Registration Chair: ICSE'22
Poster Co-chair: ACSAC'24/23/22/21
Workshop Chair: MATE'21 (Man-At-The-Middle), Co-located with the ACM CCS'21 (DBLP)
Communication Co-chair:
2019 KOCSEA Technical Symposium
I have served for the following panelist.
NSF (National Science Foundation) Panelist
Great Reads
Two excellent suggestions for Ph.D. students by Matt Might:
1. 10 easy ways to fail a Ph.D.
2. 3 qualities of successful Ph.D. students: Perseverance, tenacity and cogency
From the Advice for researchers and students compiled by Michael Ernst:
1. Writing a progress/status report
2. How to write a technical paper
There are some great and fun (and also
educational) TED talks you can watch when you are bored:
1. Grit: the power of passion and perseverance (Grit is very important for being a good researcher)
2. Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (Let's not be a procrastinator)
3. How to speak so that people want to listen
4. This is what happens when you reply to spam email
There are some ways to systematically generate good ideas:
1. TRIZ is "theory of the resolution of invention-related tasks"
Technical Articles and Books
I authored
a book named Effective Windows Programming which covers various advanced techniques and tricks for Windows Programming (Win32 APIs).
I also enjoy coding and writing technical articles.
Here are some of my articles explaining details about coding, debugging, and reverse-engineering.
1. Hooking the Real COM Objects: Intercepting IHTMLDocument3 Functions, Dec 2011
2. Phishing applications: Security threats regarding the SetParent function, Nov 2011